Release date
Type of coin
Coin series
Please be informed that on 16 March Lietuvos bankas (Bank of Lithuania) issued a €2 commemorative coin "Together with Ukraine". The total price of the coin is EUR 14.52 of which EUR 10.00 will be donated to support Ukraine.

Set of numismatic litas banknotes (500 litas banknote and 1 000 litas banknote issued in 1991, and 100 litas banknote issued in 1994 not announced legal tender and not issued into circulation)

Coin price


Set of numismatic litas banknotes (500 litas banknote and 1 000 litas banknote issued in 1991, and 100 litas banknote issued in 1994 not announced legal tender and not issued into circulation)
EUR 228.00
Mintage: 5,000 pcs
Release date: 13/12/2017

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